Creation, Endless Time & Space

While the concepts of creation and endless time and space may be the most difficult for us to grasp, they also provide the most opportunity for linear, logical thinking.  I believe that, by definition, there can only be one God the creator, who  has always existed, and is the first source of mass, energy, power and intelligence from which all else has emanated. 

The concepts of  time with no beginning and space with no end or boundaries are closely tied to the concept of creation  because only God is limitless. Thankfully, logic prevails once again. There is no giant stopwatch out in space marking the beginning of time, and there is no giant wall surrounding the universe with a sign saying “Turn back. You have reached the end of the universe.”

Could the physical universe have somehow sprung from a universe of nothingness?  If that vacuum was the first and only thing that ever existed, then it would have to be considered God the creator.  I think that even Mr. Hawking could agree with that.
Could one argue that the sun, stars, planets and everything in our current universe has always existed, making everything in nature a form of God?  Primitive cultures have assumed that to be true, however scientific evidence shows it to be false. In addition, anything with a physical form can be altered or destroyed. I believe that God can not be destroyed, therefore God’s essence must exist in the form of a spiritual energy.

Fortunately, the most logical explanations of the mysteries of creation and endless time and space are also the simplest. Something had to be first. By definition, that first energy and intelligence is God the creator and has always existed. Also by definition, we are all the children of one God the creator.