A logo is a sign, symbol or emblem used to aid and promote public recognition.

Once we become familiar with who and what they exemplify, logos become a quick, clear and concise representation of an object (normally a product), idea, ideology or organization.
A symbol is anything that stands for something beyond itself. Many religions and other organizations have symbols, usually in the form of pictures, words, letters, numbers, and sometimes even sounds or music. Symbols and logos are typically worn or displayed to indicate your agreement, allegiance and/or involvement with whatever the symbol or logo represents.
Interestingly, “Logos” is not just the plural of logo. The word logo comes from Greek roots, and literally means word or speech. Considered the origin of the word logic, its early Greek meaning was the rational thinking of the human mind seeking universal understanding and peace. In later Greek usage, Logos with an “s” and a capital L referred to a universal divine intelligence and power or an eternal unchanging truth. Later Christian references are to Christ and the word of God.
Some of the things represented in our logo are peace, infinity, the 3 C’s of Church, the 3 Mysteries of Religion, and the many dimensions, perspectives and ways of approaching the mysteries of life. Can you see these and other symbols in our logo?